Mastering the New Reality The biggest concerns are rooted in the economic outlook influenced…
Mastering the New Reality The biggest concerns are rooted in the economic outlook influenced…
The biggest concerns are rooted in the economic outlook influenced by the multiple overlapping…
The biggest concerns are rooted in the economic outlook influenced by the multiple overlapping…
The biggest concerns are rooted in the economic outlook influenced by the multiple overlapping…
Autor: Elena Badea, Managing Director, Valoria Business Solutions
Ca producator de materiale de frictiune pentru frane de top, compania isi propune sa…
Un salariu mai bun, perspectivele de dezvoltare profesionala si trecerea spre munca remote…
Proiectele vizeaza, mai exact, transformarea unei scoli intr-un model de eficienta energetica,…
InteRo implementeaza pe InteRoVerse Registrul Privat Provizoriu de Carte Funciara si ofera…
Interview with Mr. Alin Ioanes, CEO, ROMBAT SA
Interview with Mr. Florin Frunza, CEO, MET Romania Energy
Interview with Dr. Oana Taban, CEO & Founder of DENT ESTET
Interview with Mr. Voicu Oprean, CEO & Founder, AROBS
Interview with Mr. Razvan Szilagyi, Deputy CEO, AIC Trucks
Cardul va fi personalizat pentru fiecare statie din tara, contribuind astfel la consolidarea…
Aceasta operatiune subliniaza angajamentul companiei de a investi in viitorul digital…
Astazi, reteaua RO este un model de business cu performante dovedite pe unul dintre…
90% dintre candidati prefera sa contacteze direct angajatorul, prin Whatsapp sau telefon
Pe baza acestei performante, venitul operational al tbi bank a crescut cu 25%, pana…
The next normal is already here! Companies have zero time to lose! Challenged by…
Leadership is more important than ever in mobilizing the best energies, innovative skills…
Schimbarile care au ca suport tehnologia au capatat un rol strategic in cresterea competitivitatii…
Bucharest, Radisson Blu, 19-20 February 2015
Bucharest, Stejarii Country Club, 23 November 2016
Bucharest, Stejarii Country Club, 17 November 2017
Bucharest, Stejarii Country Club, 22 May 2018
Activitati de inginerie si consultanta tehnica legate de acestea