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Webinar - Business Evolution-RETHINK STRATEGY-Finantare Investitii Digitalizare

Solutii si resurse pentru dezvoltarea companiilor Criza globala din ultimul an a schimbat fundamental…

CANON - Colaborarea eficienta a echipei intr un mediu de lucru hibrid

Automatizare pentru productivitate sporita. Descopera solutiile potrivite organizatiei tale. Discutiile si demo-urile va vor…

CEO Conference - Shaping the Future - Strategy in the Disruption Storm

The next normal is already here! Companies have zero time to lose! Challenged by…

CEO Conference - Leading people, fostering creativity towards a new organizational culture

Leadership is more important than ever in mobilizing the best energies, innovative skills and…

CEO Conference - Shaping The Future - Technology and the new innovative business models

Schimbarile care au ca suport tehnologia au capatat un rol strategic in cresterea competitivitatii…

Webinar - Business Evolution - RETHINK STRATEGY - Insights From Business Leaders

Liderii, aflati sub presiunea schimbarilor, realizeaza din ce in ce mai mult ca reactiile…

Webinar - Business Evolution - RETHINK STRATEGY - What's next in the supply chain for manufacturing, logistic and retail companies?

La nivel global, lantul de aprovizionare a fost supus unor tensiuni pe care probabil…

Webinar - Business Evolution - RETHINK STRATEGY - Insights From Business Leaders

Liderii, aflati sub presiunea schimbarilor, realizeaza din ce in ce mai mult ca reactiile…

Webinar - Business Evolution - RETHINK STRATEGY - Solutii pentru munca de acasa

Webinar - Business Evolution - RETHINK STRATEGY - Solutii pentru munca de acasa. Eficient…

Webinar - Business Evolution - EMPOWERING PEOPLE - Mental Toughness

Webinar - Business Evolution - EMPOWERING PEOPLE - Mental Toughness - cheia pentru performanta,…

Microsoft Teams Sessions - Teams for Advanced - Meetings Calling

The Microsoft Teams Sessions - a program designed for developing your knowledge in terms…

Microsoft Teams Sessions - Teams for Experts - Apps and workflow (integration with 3rd party apps)

The Microsoft Teams Sessions - a program designed for developing your knowledge in terms…

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