CEO Conference is a selective - by invitation only - annual event, an open and less formal platform for debates and business networking, which offers to C-level Executives from leading companies opportunities to meet and discuss:
The major trends and their impact on the largest companies:
• Strategic solutions for Uncertainty, Volatility, Complexity and Ambiguity;
• Business transformation agenda;
• Strategic planning under a top-speed digital transformation;
• Leveraging organizational networks to connect strategy with execution;
• Local and global business environment key challenges;
• Key sectorial trends and how we adapt to them;
• Future of work
Rethinking business models and reinventing the companies' competitive advantages:
• Fostering change and the 4th industrial revolution;
• The magic role of innovation in making money by creating new markets through disruptive innovation;
• Responsible and responsive innovation leadership;
• Innovation and competitiveness, how large companies can best adapt;
• Shaping the company research and innovation path;
• Machine learning, Big Data, IoT vs. the future of work;
• Cybersecurity – the other side of the innovative transformation.
Why good boards fail - Mihai Stanescu, Executive Coach, RoCoach
At an executive level, the pressure of deadlines, people management and also the permanent business environment changes are issues that impact the board's performance. Learn everything about the 10 roots of failure and how to perform better as a board member.