

17 rezultate (tag: transition)

Topul pozitiilor pentru care angajatorii gasesc greu candidati: inginerii din constructii,oamenii de vanzari, contabilii si inginerii din productie sunt specialistii cel mai greu de recrutat

Inchiderea unei pozitii poate dura intre o luna si 5 luni

Inspirators, the global platform that offers inspiring stories from sustainability leaders, read by people from 80 countries in less than six months from its launch

The storytelling platform’s purpose is to collect evergreen inspiration in sustainability…

Raport PwC: Peste 60% dintre tineri nu vor avea competentele necesare pentru piata muncii in 2030, inclusiv cele necesare pentru tranzitia la economia verde

Competentele tinerilor si, implicit, performanta lor pe piata muncii depind de capacitatea…

Studiu Deloitte: Tranzitia spre economia verde poate crea 300 de milioane de noi locuri de munca la nivel global pana in 2050

De asemenea poate contribui la diminuarea decalajului de dezvoltare dintre regiuni si…

2022, the year when resilience meets agility

Authors: Constantin Magdalina, Emerging Trends & Technologies Expert, Valoria; Dumitru…


12 rezultate (tag: transition)

Empowering your digital journey with SoftwareOne, globally and locally. Turn vision into reality with a valuable recipe

Interview with Dragos Teodorescu, Country Manager, SoftwareOne Romania

After 20 successful years in Europe, we felt confident about replicating our model on other continents

Interview with Mr. COSTIN AVRAM, General Manager, Crystal System Group

Enabling digitalization in public sector will bridge the gap between idea and reality

Interview with Mr. Bogdan Putinică – Microsoft Romania

CE Oltenia’s transformation, with a balanced, low carbon and profitable portfolio of generation capacities, is of strategic importance for Romania

Interview with Mrs. LACRAMIOARA DIACONU-PINTEA, Member of the Board of Directors, CE Oltenia

CHEP, 10 years of leading the transition to the circular economy

Interview with Mr Gabriel Ivan, Country Manager, CHEP Romania & Bulgaria


3 rezultate (tag: transition)

B PROGRAM, prima initiativa de consultanta in vederea certificarii B CORP pentru companiile din Romania lansat de Corina Radu

Scopul acestei initiative este de a oferi sprijin companiilor romanesti in oportunitatea…

Inspirators, the consultancy platform that offers inspiring stories from global sustainability and regeneration leaders, was launched in September 2023

Inspirators is the most diverse and surprising mix of regenerative leaders who display…

MADR va administra o schema de finantare a productiei de energie regenerabila pentru autoconsum destinata companiilor din sectorul agricol si alimentar

Autori: Mihai Draghici, Director, Consultanta, EY Romania, Alexandru Balan, Senior Manager,…



1 rezultat (tag: transition)