

17 rezultate (tag: transition)

Topul pozitiilor pentru care angajatorii gasesc greu candidati: inginerii din constructii,oamenii de vanzari, contabilii si inginerii din productie sunt specialistii cel mai greu de recrutat

Inchiderea unei pozitii poate dura intre o luna si 5 luni

Inspirators, the global platform that offers inspiring stories from sustainability leaders, read by people from 80 countries in less than six months from its launch

The storytelling platform’s purpose is to collect evergreen inspiration in sustainability…

Raport PwC: Peste 60% dintre tineri nu vor avea competentele necesare pentru piata muncii in 2030, inclusiv cele necesare pentru tranzitia la economia verde

Competentele tinerilor si, implicit, performanta lor pe piata muncii depind de capacitatea…

Studiu Deloitte: Tranzitia spre economia verde poate crea 300 de milioane de noi locuri de munca la nivel global pana in 2050

De asemenea poate contribui la diminuarea decalajului de dezvoltare dintre regiuni si…

2022, the year when resilience meets agility

Authors: Constantin Magdalina, Emerging Trends & Technologies Expert, Valoria; Dumitru…

Travel Rewired: Innovation Strategies for a Resilient Recovery

Discover innovative ways that travel businesses are adapting to

Studiul EY: Aparitia „omnisumatorului” ofera furnizorilor de energie ocazia de a crea o experienta de consum complex

„Omnisumatorul” este o persoana sau un operator economic care participa la un ecosistem…

Digital Disruptors: The Global Competitive Landscape of Digital Wallet

Digital wallet adoption in the West needs that extra incentive to convince consumers of…

Top Countries for Sustainable Tourism: Embracing a Green Transformation for Travel Recovery

By: Caroline Bremner - Head of Travel Research, Euromonitor International; Stephen Dutton,…

2020, the year that changed everything

Authors: Elena Badea, Managing Director, Constantin Magdalina, Emerging Trends & Technologies…

Identifying digital trends in emerging markets

As a result of the pandemic, consumer online habits increased in both emerging and…