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2 rezultate (autor: CRYSTAL SYSTEM SRL)  -Vezi profilul companiei

Costin Avram - Crystal System - Interview @ CEO Conference - Winning the UNCERTAIN

The economic outlook has never been more uncertain. Energy prices, inflation, supply chains disruptions,…

Costin Avram  - Crystal System @ LEADERS INSIGHTS Interviews

Urmareste interviul integral pentru a afla cum vede Costin Avram, CEO, Crystal System relansarea…


5 rezultate (autor: CRYSTAL SYSTEM SRL)  -Vezi profilul companiei

Phoenix Contact SRL and Crystal System Group Ltd. signed a Partner Agreement for Innovation in Education

Connecting IT and Operations Technology with Phoenix Contacts’ PLCnext Technology for teaching, testing, demonstrating,…

INDUSTRY 4.0 goes GREEN at University POLITEHNICA Bucharest

Crystal System Group Ltd. in cooperation with ASTI Automation installed and integrated the didactic…

Crystal System – Growth by Innovation

Crystal System Group and its subsidiaries Crystal BIM Solution Ltd. and Crystal Talent Solution…

Who is the data scientist the market is searching for?

There have been analyzed for that 90% of the different job offers* for the…

Digital talent journey Romania-Germany

Crystal System has transformed more than 10.000 students into digital talents since 2004 when…


4 rezultate (autor: CRYSTAL SYSTEM SRL)  -Vezi profilul companiei

After 20 successful years in Europe, we felt confident about replicating our model on other continents

Interview with Mr. COSTIN AVRAM, General Manager, Crystal System Group

Relansare economica

Procesele si operatiunile care ar trebui prioritizate in transformarea digitala

Inertia is not an option. Organizations need to move faster and better

Interview with Costin Avram, General Manager, CRYSTAL System Group

Tallent  always shines

Interview with COSTIN AVRAM, CEO, Crystal System


2 rezultate (autor: CRYSTAL SYSTEM SRL)  -Vezi profilul companiei

Universitatea  POLITEHNICA din Bucuresti (UPB) in parteneriat cu Crystal System Group Ltd.  au inaugurat, joi, 18 noiembrie a.c, laboratorul Crystal System Industry 4.0 Laboratory at UPB

Evenimentul s-a desfasura cu respectarea stricta a procedurilor de protectie, impuse de pandemia COVID-19.

Crystal Talent Solutions – Noii membri ai aliantei universitare

Crystal Talent Solutions stabileste legatura lipsa dintre cererea mediului de afaceri si sectorul educatiei,…

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