

9 rezultate (tag: real-time)

Phoenix Contact SRL and Crystal System Group Ltd. signed a Partner Agreement for Innovation in Education

Connecting IT and Operations Technology with Phoenix Contacts’ PLCnext Technology for…

Studiu MIT & SAS: Liderii in experientele oferite clientilor sunt cei care utilizeaza solutiile de Inteligenta Artificiala si Analytics

Lideri in CX sunt companiile din servicii financiare, retail si IT/telecomunicatii

Agile innovativeness is king

Author: Jana Rude, Research Project Manager

Top Five Trends Shaping the Future of Cities

By: Fransua Vytautas Razvadauskas

Primele rezultate ale transformarii digitale ale celui mai mare grup de comunicare din Romania

Transformarea a fost intensa pe parcursul ultimelor 18 luni si a implicat direct intreaga…


2 rezultate (tag: real-time)

The benefits of going digital all-in

Interview with MARIUS PERSINARU, CEO, Schneider Electric


5 rezultate (tag: real-time)

bpv GRIGORESCU STEFANICA assisted Smart ID and its shareholders in connection with the investment by private equity firm Sarmis Capital

The investment is expected to fuel the growth of Smart ID, both domestically and…

COVID-19 Shifts Global Consumer Behavior in 2020 and Beyond

A free webinar explores the impact of COVID-19 on the top 10 global consumer…

Ce ati ratat daca n-ati fost la Internet & Mobile World 2018

Inteligenta Artificiala (AI) si Machine Learning, Roboti, Internetul Tuturor Lucrurilor…

Huawei si partenerii sai avanseaza in constructia  unei lumi complet conectate si inteligente

In cadrul Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2018, Huawei prezinta tehnologii si solutii pentru…

Provocari si solutii IT, dezbatute de peste 250 de manageri si profesionisti IT la conferinta „Accelerating Change. Fast Agile CIO”

A treia conferinta a managerilor de IT din Romania “Accelerating change. Fast Agile CIO”…