

54 rezultate (tag: partners)

2020, the year that changed everything

Authors: Elena Badea, Managing Director, Constantin Magdalina, Emerging Trends & Technologies…

Who is the data scientist the market is searching for?

There have been analyzed for that 90% of the different job offers* for the…

The first 1000 days for the next 100 years

Author: Gabriel BIRIS, Managing Partner, BIRIS GORAN SPARL

Digital talent journey Romania-Germany

Crystal System has transformed more than 10.000 students into digital talents since 2004…

Cushman & Wakefield Echinox: Dezvoltatorii vor livra in urmatoarele 16 luni aproape 500.000 mp de birouri moderne in Bucuresti si orasele regionale

Nevoia de constructii moderne, de calitate, cu o pozitionare atractiva, nu va disparea…

Analiza Horvath & Partners: Costurile materiilor prime pentru lactate vor creste pe toata durata pandemiei cu 5-10%

Performantele producatorilor locali de mezeluri si lactate pot fi afectate semnificativ,…

Deloitte Romania lanseaza aplicatia SmarTax pentru automatizarea raportarilor privind impozitul pe profit

Solutia se adreseaza tuturor companiilor romanesti, indiferent de dimensiune si de domeniul…

Agile innovativeness is king

Author: Jana Rude, Research Project Manager

Reff & Associates | Deloitte Legal Romania si Waltmann lanseaza prima Solutie de Evaluare 360, dedicata spatiilor de birouri si centrelor comerciale

Evaluarea 360 este privita din punct de vedere medical, tehnic si juridic

How Brands and Retailers Can Deal with Excess Inventory Due to Coronavirus Closures

Off-price is an established destination for excess merchandise

The Rise of “Purpose-Driven” Businesses During COVID-19

Many businesses have managed to pull through by putting people ahead of profits

Birourile vor fi vedeta pietei de investitii imobiliare in 2020, cu tranzactii de peste 600 de milioane de euro

Piata de birouri a atras, anul trecut, peste 60% din volumul tranzactionat