

4 rezultate (tag: global trends)

Global Trends in The Commodities Market

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Studiu BestJobs si Boston Consulting Group: Doi din trei romani sunt dispusi sa o ia de la zero in cariera, ca raspuns al schimbarilor tehnologice

67% dintre angajatii la nivel global se arata deschisi la ideea de reconversie profesionala,…

Bauturi nealcoolice in Europa de Est: tendinte si predictii

Datele din Euromonitor International arata ca EE se afla deja in recuperare din cauza…


4 rezultate (tag: global trends)

Empowering your digital journey with SoftwareOne, globally and locally. Turn vision into reality with a valuable recipe

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IT trends during and after the pandemic

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Proactive, innovative and flexible in order to always offer best solutions for our clients

Interview with CATALIN PUTINEANU, Managing Director, IB Cargo

The benefits of going digital all-in

Interview with MARIUS PERSINARU, CEO, Schneider Electric