

8 rezultate (tag: experience.)

What’s New In Retail: Emerging Global Concepts

Authors: Michelle Evans, Global Lead of Retail and Digital Consumer Insights, Euromonitor…

2022, the year when resilience meets agility

Authors: Constantin Magdalina, Emerging Trends & Technologies Expert, Valoria; Dumitru…

McKinsey & Company Romania: Consumatorii romani percep experienta cu companiile ca fiind monotona, fara lideri care se remarca

O imbunatatire cu un punct a experientei clientilor creste cu 20 de puncte procentuale…

Identifying digital trends in emerging markets

As a result of the pandemic, consumer online habits increased in both emerging and…


13 rezultate (tag: experience.)

Empowering your digital journey with SoftwareOne, globally and locally. Turn vision into reality with a valuable recipe

Interview with Dragos Teodorescu, Country Manager, SoftwareOne Romania

The strength of our partnerships is the key to overcome current economic and social challenges

Interview with Mr. JOVAN RADOSAVLJEVIC, General Manager, Coca-Cola HBC Romania

DENT ESTET The future of dentistry is withi digital transformation

Interview with Mrs. OANA TABAN, CEO & Founder DENT ESTET

Veolia has the expertise to provide the solutions necessary to meet the challenges of our times

Interview With Mr. MADALIN MIHAILOVICI, CEO, Veolia Romania

Every challenge is an opportunity, a chance to grow

Interview with Mr. MUSTAFA TIFTIKCIOGLU, CEO, Garanti BBVA Romania


6 rezultate (tag: experience.)

Orange Romania anunta finalizarea tranzitiei Orange Romania Communications catre brandul Orange si oferta comuna de servicii fix-mobil

Totodata, Orange Business Services devine unul dintre cei mai importanti furnizori de…

Intrarom & Genesys primesc Best Partnership for Large Enterprises Award

O colaborare de succes pe termen lung, care a condus la implementari importante de…

HR [PLAY] Tech Marathon, editia a II-a, vine cu noi provocari pentru managerii HR

Pe 10 noiembrie 2016, Revista HR Manager organizeaza cea de-a doua editie a evenimentului…

Credit Risk & Debt Collection Forum: despre detaliile care definesc succesul in colectarea de creante

“Externalizarea procesului de collection are impact asupra businessului, asupra procesului…

Arval Romania pune la dispozitie o experienta interactiva si inovatoare prin serviciile Arval Smart Experience

Arval Romania ofera utilizatorilor vehiculelor o serie de servicii business bazate pe…