

21 rezultate (tag: environment)

6 Critical Reasons for Microsoft Office 365 Backup

We are pleased to invite you to an insightful session with Veeam expert to…

The Wellbeing HUB: Romania’s first platform dedicated to employees’ quality of life

Offering 100+ dedicated programs, this is the first wellbeing platform that focuses on…

Roedl & Partner Romania appoints new Head of Tax & Transfer Pricing

Andreea Stănică has been appointed as the new Head of Tax & Transfer Pricing…

Intracom Telecom sets new industry standards with R8 of its SDN ready Network Lifecycle Management Platform

Intracom Telecom announced the availability of R8 of its uni|MS™, which includes two new…

ENEL a fost  reconfirmat in topul celor mai sustenabile companii, incluse in indicele FTSE4GOOD

Compania a fost reconfirmata in cadrul indicelui FTSE4GOOD, dupa a doua analiza semianuala…

Mitsubishi Electric Europe deschide prima sucursala in Romania

Mitsubishi Electric Europe, prin diviza Mitsubishi Electric Living Environmental Systems,…

AFI Europe Romania obtine pre-certificarea LEED PLATINUM pentru proiectul AFI Tech Park

AFI TECH PARK, cea mai noua cladire de birouri dezvoltata de AFI Romania, a…

CIO Council National Conference 2017 - O enciclopedie despre tehnologie, conditia umana in raport cu transformarile digitale  si lucrurile care vor revolutiona lumea

CIO Council National Conference 2017 s-a desfasurat joi, 30 martie 2017, la hotelul Radisson…

Microsoft Summit 2015: 6 tehnologii care vor accelera transformarea digitala

Microsoft Summit 2015, cel mai important eveniment anual de business si tehnologie din…