Announcing its launch today, The Wellbeing Hub is the first comprehensive wellbeing platform in Romania that offers evidence-based solutions to increase organisations’ awareness to, concern for and involvement in the wellbeing of their employees, while also engaging them in a conscientious and active participation to their own balanced self development.
By accessing The Wellbeing Hub one has access to an ecosystem that provides a wide array of expertise, totalling 30+ specialists and 100+ dedicated programs addressing the physical, emotional and mental health of employees and their extended families. A first on the local market, Wellbeing HUB offers a virtual library with uniquely customized programs to address the specific needs of the two main cohorts - Generation X and Millennials - that will constitute more than 75% of the workforce in 5 years time. The startup that developed the platform has offices in Bucharest, Cluj and Ramnicu Valcea.
Of the total number of dedicated programs 40% of the workshops are experiential, while 60% are accessible via an online platform that is secured according to telemedicine standards, ensuring users’ privacy and safety.
Programs developed according to evidence-based knowhow
By taking a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach in designing its programs, Wellbeing HUB addresses companies’ most pressing and long lasting concerns: absenteeism and presenteeism, talent acquisition and retention, engagement, employees’ dedication and over-achievement. Positive outcomes are achieved through the programs’ focus on activating, nurturing and developing the ‘caring’ component of the company - employee relationship.
The wellbeing state can be simply explained by people’s subjective perception of the quality of their life, the way in which they are evaluating, experimenting and appreciating life, according to their own abilities. It’s a dynamic interaction between the Inner dimension - one’s own resources, goals, meaning, adaptability etc -, and the Outer dimension - the degree to which the external environment is conducive to a thriving life. The Wellbeing HUB programs incorporate scientific- and evidence-based knowhow and research to address both the Inner and Outer dimensions.
Lower burnout rate and fewer conflicts
The Wellbeing Hub is designed and implemented by specialists coming from different backgrounds such as: human resources, psychotherapy, medicine. They incorporated and inter-connected scientific research and corporate experience, through the rigorous selection and application of research from psychology, sociology and quality of life medicine. For over 6 years now our specialists have successfully developed and implemented wellbeing programs in 5000+ employee companies. Rooted in a solid foundation of human resources skills, our team has harnessed the competences of 10,000+ hours of implementing corporate culture programs. They standardized an expertise that is now available to all employees that are interested in shifting from a set of passive benefits to an inventory of active solutions. The programs have been empirically tested and validated by careful examination that included diagnosis, implementation and evaluation. Their outcomes include: 7% increase in employee efficiency, lowering burnout by 4, decreasing conflicts by 3% and increasing engagement by 4%.
100+ programs for employee’s wellbeing
The Wellbeing Hub is a B2B and B2C marketplace that offers access to 100+ programs, with numbers continuing to grow constantly. The portal is a complex ecosystem that comprehensively addresses companies’ health and balance needs on several dimensions:
- Prevention, nutrition and sport - ‘Wellbeing Hub Virtual Clinic’ is the access point to a wide variety of medical competences: cardiologists, nutritionists, dermatologists, endocrinologists, diabetes and allergy specialists, kiropracticians etc. Our specialists lead prevention and intervention campaigns that restore the company’s health and balance. The campaigns meet the need of identifying and developing new and healthy daily habits that can support the homeostasis of one’s body.
- Learning and self-development - ‘Online therapy room’ is the place where psychotherapists, psychiatrists and parenting specialists are available for individual or group sessions which can foster inner transformation processes aimed at better harnessing and using one’s intellectual, emotional and spiritual resources. Successful interventions lead to parents that care about and understand children’s inner and outer universe while connecting with them in a meaningful way.
- Work-life balance - ‘Positive spill-over’ programs are a source of positive outflow in companies’ processes. Through the programs that it implements, the organisation becomes a reliable provider and source of mental wellbeing.
The platform addresses individual needs by providing access to online evaluations, individual and/or family therapy sessions in an online protected environment, secured by telemedicine standard solutions. Card payment and instalments are also available.
Wellbeing HUB’s vision
“From 2020 onwards companies will either be humane, or will cease to exist. Our goal is to contribute to corporate environments that recognize and value people beyond their role as employees. Companies need to live up to the following aspiration: We care about people! Companies don’t have to change their profit-generating orientation, but rather to expand their mission to include a process of reshaping their internal framework to allow for more humanness. Now it’s the time for companies to humanize their business and to create opportunities for people’s wellbeing. For companies that have profit as their sole objective, burnout, spillover, the need for change, conflicts between values, cultural confusion, the new and unpredictable behaviors of the new generation, fluctuating motivation or excessive competition are all warnings of organisational mid-life crisis.” - Dan Ditoiu, founder, The Wellbeing HUB.
Dan Ditoiu, founder of The Wellbeing HUB, brings 15 years of Human Resources experience from activating in a leading financial institution and 6 years of expertise in implementing the most comprehensive internal wellbeing program in Romania’s corporate environment.
Caring for people and having a strong internal customer service could create a sustainable balance between productivity and people’s wellbeing. Together we can build a different organisational mindset and act in a remarkable manner: “Choose people before employees & Humanise Your Business!”
More on The Welbeing Hub at