

64 rezultate (tag: Trust)

COVID-19 is changing consumer behavior worldwide; business needs to adapt rapidly

Consumers are staying and working from home more, prioritizing savings over spending and…

The first 1000 days for the next 100 years

Author: Gabriel BIRIS, Managing Partner, BIRIS GORAN SPARL

Identifying digital trends in emerging markets

As a result of the pandemic, consumer online habits increased in both emerging and…

Raport PwC: Implementarea tehnologiei blockchain poate aduce un plus de 1,76 trilioane dolari la PIB-ul global pana in 2030

Sectorial, cele mai mari beneficiare ale acestei tehnologii vor fi administratia publica,…

Digital Trust Insights 2021: 96% dintre respondenti isi vor schimba strategia de securitate cibernetica ca urmare a COVID-19

96% dintre respondenti spun ca isi vor schimba strategia de securitate cibernetica datorita…

Identifying Digital Trends in Emerging Markets

By Karinne Lelouch and Gustavo Gomez

Cushman & Wakefield Echinox: Dezvoltatorii vor livra in urmatoarele 16 luni aproape 500.000 mp de birouri moderne in Bucuresti si orasele regionale

Nevoia de constructii moderne, de calitate, cu o pozitionare atractiva, nu va disparea…

Health and Beauty in the Coronavirus Era

By Irina Barbalova, Global Lead Health and Beauty and Matthew Oster, Global Head Consumer…

Take control over your revenue with sales funnels

What exactly is a sales funnel? A sales funnel is a representation of the…

Echilibrul emotional al organizatiei. Cum il mentii?

Alaturi de vanzarile si profitabilitatea afacerii, echilibrul emotional si implicarea…

Leveraging Technology is Helping Non-Grocery Retailers to Cope with Coronavirus

Governments around the world increasingly require non-essential stores to close as part…

Birourile vor fi vedeta pietei de investitii imobiliare in 2020, cu tranzactii de peste 600 de milioane de euro

Piata de birouri a atras, anul trecut, peste 60% din volumul tranzactionat