

13 rezultate (tag: revenues)

New DHL Trade Growth Atlas: Global trade surprisingly strong despite recent shocks

Brussels/Bonn/New York, September 15, 2022: DHL and NYU Stern School of Business have…

Allianz achieves 3.2 billion euros operating profit

Group of track to meet full-year targets

2021: Record year setting foundation for ongoing sustainable growth

All-time high Revenues, Adj. EBITA margin and Net Income

Discovering Investment Opportunities in Esports

By: Alan Rownan, Industry Manager; Davide Calzoni, Senior Analyst; Per Brandberg, Analyst,…


5 rezultate (tag: revenues)

After 20 successful years in Europe, we felt confident about replicating our model on other continents

Interview with Mr. COSTIN AVRAM, General Manager, Crystal System Group

The combination of sustainability and digital technologies is key to igniting future competitiveness

Interview with Mr. Gianrodolfo Tonielli, Country Managing Director, Accenture Romania

IWG: We will expand with ten new Regus buildings outside Bucharest

Interview with Mrs. Ramona Iacob, Country Manager, REGUS

How Accenture is Decoding Disruption on a global and local scale

Interview with ANDREEA NICULAE, Senior Manager, Consulting, Accenture Romania

Allianz-Tiriac simplifies products and invests in digital solutions to improve customer experience

Interview with VIRGIL SONCUTEAN, CEO, Allianz -Tiriac Asigurari


3 rezultate (tag: revenues)

Orange Romania advances its convergence ambitions as it completes its acquisition of a 54% controlling stake in fixed operator Telekom Romania Communications

Orange announces yesterday that it has completed its acquisition of a controlling stake…

Fii campion pentru campioni si inscrie-te la cea de-a 11-a editie DHL Carpathian Marathon powered by MPG!

Banii stransi din taxele de participare ii ajuta pe sportivii paralimpici sa se pregateasca…

Eurostat: Romania, cel mai semnificativ declin din UE al veniturilor reale ale agricultorilor, in 2012

Veniturile reale ale angajatilor din sectorul agricol au inregistrat in Romania, in 2012,…