

12 rezultate (tag: Upskilling)

Raport PwC: Peste 60% dintre tineri nu vor avea competentele necesare pentru piata muncii in 2030, inclusiv cele necesare pentru tranzitia la economia verde

Competentele tinerilor si, implicit, performanta lor pe piata muncii depind de capacitatea…

Raport PwC: Fenomenul ”Marea demisie” continua cu presiune si mai mare pe salarii

Dintre angajatii romani, 40% vor sa ceara majorarea salariului, iar 16% vor sa-si schimbe…

2022, the year when resilience meets agility

Authors: Constantin Magdalina, Emerging Trends & Technologies Expert, Valoria; Dumitru…

PwC va investi 6 milioane dolari pentru dezvoltarea ESG in statele din regiunea Europei Centrale si de Est, inclusiv Romania

PwC ECE va continua investitiile in consolidarea serviciilor pentru clienti: audit extins,…

Raport PwC si Forumul Economic Mondial: Investitiile in imbunatatirea competentelor pot crea 5,3 milioane de locuri de munca pana in 2030

Raportul noteaza ca somajul este asteptat sa creasca pe masura ce economiile continua…


5 rezultate (tag: Upskilling)

Improving people’s lives by improving their living spaces in a totally sustainable way

Interview with Mr. MARIUS IONITA, CEO, Alumil Romania

The combination of sustainability and digital technologies is key to igniting future competitiveness

Interview with Mr. Gianrodolfo Tonielli, Country Managing Director, Accenture Romania

Meaningful innovation can unlock the potential of a digital economy

Interview with Daniel Rusen, Director of Marketing and Operations, Microsoft Romania

2022, challenges and opportunities for leaders

Interview with Mrs Ana Ber, Consultant and Managing Director, Pendl & Piswanger Romania

Inertia is not an option. Organizations need to move faster and better

Interview with Costin Avram, General Manager, CRYSTAL System Group


1 rezultat (tag: Upskilling)


Editia a VII-a, Future Skills Development: Workforce Upskilling, Joi, 18 martie, orele…