

12 rezultate (tag: macroeconomic)

Empowering your digital journey with SoftwareOne, globally and locally. Turn vision into reality with a valuable recipe

Interview with Dragos Teodorescu, Country Manager, SoftwareOne Romania

Supply chain leadership in a VUCA  world

Interview with Mr. GABRIEL IVAN, Country General Manager, CHEP ROMANIA & BULGARIA

STRAUSS Romania the emotional economics of coffee

Interview with Mr. MARIUS MELESTEU, General Manager, STRAUSS Romania

The strength of our partnerships is the key to overcome current economic and social challenges

Interview with Mr. JOVAN RADOSAVLJEVIC, General Manager, Coca-Cola HBC Romania

Veolia has the expertise to provide the solutions necessary to meet the challenges of our times

Interview With Mr. MADALIN MIHAILOVICI, CEO, Veolia Romania

Impactul Autoritatii de Concurenta asupra economiei

Interviu cu Gyerko Laszlo, Consiliul Concurentei

Challenges and opportunities: today and tomorrow

Our main goal in 2015 is to add more value for our clients, to…

Adaptarea la un nou nivel de competitivitate

Schimbarile legislative majore trebuie sa fie sustinute de studii de impact, cu o strategie…

Solutii de crestere

Reformarea industriilor strategice ale economiei romanesti este subiectul agendei fiecarui…

Tinta cresterii DHL  - Segmentul IMM-urilor

Cu aproximativ 5,000 de clienti in portofoliul din Romania, compania de curierat si servicii…

Pe urmele banilor privati: Concurand cu un nord mai competitiv

Sunt vizibile semne de recuperare in sectoarele cu cele mai importante tranzactii incheiate…

Increderea, o piatra de temelie pentru afaceri in Europa

Un punct de vedere despre principalele prioritati ale Romaniei, semnat de catre Petre…