

52 rezultate (tag: study)

2020, the year that changed everything

Authors: Elena Badea, Managing Director, Constantin Magdalina, Emerging Trends & Technologies…

Digital talent journey Romania-Germany

Crystal System has transformed more than 10.000 students into digital talents since 2004…

Which Countries and Cities Are Most Vulnerable to Coronavirus?

The COVID-19 pandemic also poses a great threat to ageing cities in Europe -…

The demand for electric cars is growing, but consumers are reluctant to autonomous vehicles

Electric vehicle demand is growing fast in the European Union due to supportive environmental…

2019 Deloitte Global Automotive Consumer Study

For a decade, Deloitte has been exploring consumers’ changing automotive expectations…

Five vectors of progress in cloud computing

How companies are looking to get more value from cloud

Studiu GfK IFA 2019: Piata globala de electro-IT depaseste un trilion de euro

Ce modeleaza o piata electro-IT de un trilion de euro?

Continuous Learning for Skills Development, the Most Important and Urgent Human Capital Trend in Romania

Enhancing employee expertise through lifelong learning is the main concern of the Romanian…

Studiu EY: Intentiile privind vanzarile de active se apropie de niveluri record

84% dintre companii planuiesc vanzari partiale de afaceri pana in 2021, in crestere de…

Noul studiu BSA indica faptul ca rata de utilizare a software-ului nelicentiat in Romania este de 59 de procente

Pentru a reduce riscul atacurilor cibernetice si pentru a-si impulsiona cresterea, companiile…