

117 rezultate (tag: financial)

Shifts in Consumer Finance After Coronavirus

By Kendrick D. Sands, Consumer Finance Industry Manager

Allianz achieves 2.6 billion euros operating profit in 2Q 2020

Quarterly and Half-Year Earnings Release

Retail-ul in timpul pandemiei: cum se pot transforma vulnerabilitatile in oportunitati

Opinie de Oana Buhaescu, Director Audit, Deloitte Romania, liderul serviciilor dedicate…

Coronavirus Global Economic Outlook: July 2020

This baseline forecast is assigned a 41.0-51.0% probability at a one-year horizon

Can AI and Technology Help Fashion Retailers During Coronavirus?

Helping retailers deliver exceptional personalisation and customer service, Intelistyle…

How Brands and Retailers Can Deal with Excess Inventory Due to Coronavirus Closures

Off-price is an established destination for excess merchandise

Coronavirus Pandemic to Change Consumer Payments

The economic shock has already manifested itself in a variety of ways across industries,…

How Will Coronavirus Impact the Global Economy?

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has presented an unprecedented shock to the global…

Allianz reports 2.3 billion euros operating profit in 1Q 2020

The COVID-19 aggravated business conditions for the financial services industry. However,…

Euromonitor’s Lessons From the 2008 Global Financial Crisis

The shock to the global economy as the coronavirus health crisis morphs into a…