

5 rezultate (tag: sales channels)

Horvath: 75% din comertul mondial se face prin canale de vanzari indirecte, dar numai o treime dintre companii le valorifica adecvat

Cel putin 75% din comertul mondial se desfasoara prin canale de vanzari indirecte (prin…

2022, the year when resilience meets agility

Authors: Constantin Magdalina, Emerging Trends & Technologies Expert, Valoria; Dumitru…

Valoria survey: 78% of companies, compared to 53% at the beginning of the year, say that employee salaries have increased in 2021

The 10th edition of the survey “The business outlook in Romania" conducted by Valoria…

Agile innovativeness is king

Author: Jana Rude, Research Project Manager


1 rezultat (tag: sales channels)