

9 rezultate (tag: organizations)

Pendl & Piswanger InterSearch Romania is proud to announce that Andrei Razvan NACEA joined their team in Bucharest as Partner

He is also an Associate Professor and Lecturer at top universities in Romania, Switzerland,…

IWG secures first franchise partner in Romania to open new locations to meet the growing demand for hybrid work solutions

IWG, the largest global operator of flexible and co-working spaces, represented in Romania…

New CEO in Intracom Telecom

Intracom Telecom announces the appointment of Mr. Kartlos Edilashvili as acting Managing…

6 Critical Reasons for Microsoft Office 365 Backup

We are pleased to invite you to an insightful session with Veeam expert to…

Roedl & Partner Romania appoints new Head of Tax & Transfer Pricing

Andreea Stănică has been appointed as the new Head of Tax & Transfer Pricing…

Intracom Telecom sets new industry standards with R8 of its SDN ready Network Lifecycle Management Platform

Intracom Telecom announced the availability of R8 of its uni|MS™, which includes two new…

Ce ati ratat daca n-ati fost la Internet & Mobile World 2018

Inteligenta Artificiala (AI) si Machine Learning, Roboti, Internetul Tuturor Lucrurilor…

Cluj IT Cluster a fost acreditat la nivel european, obtinand eticheta Bronz

Cluj IT Cluster, unul dintre cele mai importante clustere in domeniul IT la nivel…

Kaspersky Lab anunta infiintarea Consiliului Consultativ International

Kaspersky Lab a infiintat un Consiliu Consultativ International, care reuneste experti…