

5 rezultate (tag: fire)

CE Oltenia’s transformation, with a balanced, low carbon and profitable portfolio of generation capacities, is of strategic importance for Romania

Interview with Mrs. LACRAMIOARA DIACONU-PINTEA, Member of the Board of Directors, CE Oltenia

Allianz-Tiriac protect the customers to stay in charge

Interview with Virgil Soncutean, CEO - Allianz-Tiriac Insurance

The insurance industry can stand up and provide good for people when they need it the most

Interview with Virgil Soncutean, CEO, Allianz-Tiriac Asigurari

Sectorul de afaceri romanesc infrunta o perioada lipsita de certitudine

Interviu MCR: Roberto Falato, Managing Partner, Boscolo & Partners, member of Crowe Horwath…

Produs in Romania

Agricultura are si va continua sa aiba un rol deosebit de important in realizarea…