

7 rezultate (tag: salary)

Decalajul salarial femei - barbati: De la statisticile oficiale optimiste de 3,3% la realitatea din piata muncii, de 23%. Ce poveste spun cifrele?

Autori: Oana Munteanu, Director People & Organisation PwC Romania si Ioana Cercel, Avocat…

2022, the year when resilience meets agility

Authors: Constantin Magdalina, Emerging Trends & Technologies Expert, Valoria; Dumitru…

Valoria survey: 78% of companies, compared to 53% at the beginning of the year, say that employee salaries have increased in 2021

The 10th edition of the survey “The business outlook in Romania" conducted by Valoria…

The first 1000 days for the next 100 years

Author: Gabriel BIRIS, Managing Partner, BIRIS GORAN SPARL

Digital talent journey Romania-Germany

Crystal System has transformed more than 10.000 students into digital talents since 2004…

The New Performance Management is Here – Have you Tried it Yet?

As organizations and their workforces become more agile, strategies more dynamic and deliverables…

APT Group asigura continuitatea utilizarii e-mailului cu Office 365

Cand oamenii sunt chiar obiectul de activitate al unei companii, linistea acestora devine…