

168 results (tag: Digital Transformation)

Endava 1 year after its listing at the New York Stock Exchange: 2.07 billion dollars capitalisation and an increase of 91.5% of the share price

Endava, one of the most important software companies, present on the local market with…

Contact Centers Going Cloud and Shape Perfect Customer Experience

Gartner states that the global public cloud services market is going to hit 17.5…

Konica Minolta launches a new version of the online MarketPlace platform

One of the top 2018 IT vendors, according to a Gartner study and recently…

EIT Digital expands its network, Techcelerator from Romania joins the EIT Digital Ecosystem

Techcelerator will actively scout local tech companies with more than € 500,000 in annual…

7 startups from the third Techcelerator program batch financed with € 350,000 by GapMinder

Techcelerator announces the 7 tech startups from the third batch of the acceleration program…

Intracom Telecom Inaugurates its Subsidiary in Italy

In line with its commitment and business planning to expand further its operations in…

How do Romanian business leaders see the phenomenon of slowbalization and how does it change the future in   business - at CEO Conference – Shaping the Future

Over the next 50 years, we will experience more changes than we have done…

European companies turn to IBM AI and Hybrid Cloud to move to the next chapter of digital transformation in the automotive industry

Volkswagen, Moovster and Vinturas are working with IBM to ensure a deeper understanding…

CEO Conference – Shaping the Future Slowbalization – How to redesign the organization of the future

Over the next 50 years, we will experience more changes than we have done…

CEO Conference – Shaping the Future Slowbalization - How Romanian CEOs are building the organizations of the future

DoingBusiness.ro announces a new edition of CEO Conference - Shaping the Future, to be…

The Bucharest Tech Week Festival brings the technological innovations to the attention of the Romanians for the fourth consecutive year

Bucharest becomes for a week the capital of innovative technologies and high-end solutions…

Data security and deficit of the specialists are the main risks for telecom operators at the beginning of the 5G era

Inefficient digital development is the main risk in the telecom industry