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50 results (author: ERNST & YOUNG SERVICE SRL)  -View company profile

EY Romania Attractiveness Survey: 67% of investors anticipate an upswing in Romania's appeal as an investment destination over the next three years

Romania firmly maintains its resilient market position, despite a 13% decline in foreign direct…

EY study: Companies are increasingly investing in 5G technology. Europe leads the way

85% of survey respondents say the global health crisis is driving 5G interest

EY Study: Technology, Media and Entertainment and Telecommunications recovery from pandemic rests on capital investment

87% of TMT leaders surveyed say capital investment is critical to recovery

Pandemic accelerates changes in consumer behaviour: moving out of cities, online shopping, health importance, affordable prices and sustainability

Consumers are more worried than four months ago about their health, their families and…

What measures did the countries begin to take during the Covid-19 crisis?

Author: Mihaela Mitroi, Partner, Fiscal and Legal Assistance, EY Romania, leader of the fiscal…


37 results (author: ERNST & YOUNG SERVICE SRL)  -View company profile

EY Attractiveness Survey Romania: 72% of investors consider access to non-refundable financing a decisive factor to invest

A percentage of 72% of investors consider that the availability of non-reimbursable financing is…

Iulia Bratu is the new Associate Partner of EY Romania, taking over the leadership of Lead Advisory department

EY Romania further consolidates its financial advisory practice

Trends and perspectives in the application of VAT in 2021 Recommendations for the business environment

Author: Georgiana Iancu, Partner, Leader of the Indirect Taxes department, EY Romania

The 5th edition of the EY Entrepreneur Of The Year ™ competition is looking for entrepreneurs who contribute to the sustainable development of Romania

EY Romania launches today the new edition of EY Entrepreneur Of The Year. Now…

Comisia Europeana demareaza procesul de revizuire a Directivei privind raportarea nefinanciara

Author: Laura Ciobanu, Manager, Climate Change and Sustainability, EY Romania

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