''Transformarea digitala este mai mult decat o ocazie pentru companii de a se reinventa…
This year, the continuation of the positive dynamics is expected, with good premises to…
The total disclosed deal value also rose from €36.3bn in 2023 to €52.0bn in…
Hear Euromonitor's research experts discuss the latest industry, economic and consumer…
With increasingly dense European and local regulations, companies in Romania are starting…
Nearly 60% of respondents see the potential of e-invoicing and digital reporting for trade…
Interview with Mr. Marius Ionita, CEO, Alumil Romania
Interview with Razvan Ene – Crayon Romania
Interview with Mr. MUSTAFA TIFTIKCIOGLU, CEO, Garanti BBVA Romania
Interview with Mrs Ana Ber, Consultant and Managing Director, Pendl & Piswanger Romania
Noul normal va fi munca hibrida
Join our webinar for the latest forecasts, trends and insights on the global economy…
The event offered Romanian managers the opportunity to learn and debate about the "economy…
Vodafone will expand access to Google’s AI-powered Pixel devices with its fast 5G network…
2024 The growth of peripheral economies in Europe takes off thanks to the money…
The first half of 2024 saw real estate transactions in Romania totaling 419 million…
Ploiesti, Hotel Prahova Plaza, 21 Septembrie 2017
Craiova, Hotel Ramada Plaza, 12 Octombrie 2017
Digitalizarea - Trend sau Tsunami?
Oradea, Hotel Ramada, 22 Martie 2018
Constanta, Zenith - Conference & Spa Hotel, 17 Aprilie 2018
Activitati de consultanta pentru afaceri si management
Cercetare- dezvoltare in alte stiinte naturale si inginerie
Fabricarea produselor de uz gospodaresc si sanitar, din hartie sau carton