

7 rezultate (tag: sustainable development)

STUDIU bestjobs in parteneriat cu Orion Innovation: 3 din 5 angajati in IT&C se asteapta ca 2024 sa aduca multe schimbari in industrie

Romania, pe locul 2 in Europa ca numar de specialisti IT, 4 din 10…

Inspirators, the global platform that offers inspiring stories from sustainability leaders, read by people from 80 countries in less than six months from its launch

The storytelling platform’s purpose is to collect evergreen inspiration in sustainability…

Community Index Magazine, anuarul bilingv dedicat investitiilor in comunitatile din Romania, a ajuns la a treia editie in 2021

Publicatia poate fi deosebit de utila nu doar pentru profesionistii din domeniu, ci si…

Cresterea afacerii dvs. pe piata de capital: Sunteti pregatiti sa beneficiati de listarea la bursa?

KPMG in Romania a realizat Ghidul Listarii la BVB, ce reprezinta un instrument util…



6 rezultate (tag: sustainable development)

Improving people’s lives by improving their living spaces in a totally sustainable way

Interview with Mr. MARIUS IONITA, CEO, Alumil Romania

Veolia has the expertise to provide the solutions necessary to meet the challenges of our times

Interview With Mr. MADALIN MIHAILOVICI, CEO, Veolia Romania

Every challenge is an opportunity, a chance to grow

Interview with Mr. MUSTAFA TIFTIKCIOGLU, CEO, Garanti BBVA Romania

CHEP, 10 years of leading the transition to the circular economy

Interview with Mr Gabriel Ivan, Country Manager, CHEP Romania & Bulgaria

Power management is at the heart of digital transformation

Interview with Mr Lucian Enaru, Country General Manager Romania & Moldova, Schneider Electric


3 rezultate (tag: sustainable development)

Inspirators, the consultancy platform that offers inspiring stories from global sustainability and regeneration leaders, was launched in September 2023

Inspirators is the most diverse and surprising mix of regenerative leaders who display…

Schneider Electric si Enel s-au alaturat la World Economic Forum pentru lansarea Toolbox-ului de solutii pentru transformarea urbana: 200+ solutii de decarbonizare pentru orase

Platforma Net Zero Carbon Cities Toolbox contine o gama de solutii de decarbonizare pentru…

Schneider Electric si Roca Group, parteneriat pentru accelerarea decarbonizarii

Roca Group si Schneider Electric vor avansa in digitalizarea proceselor companiei si vor…