

14 rezultate (tag: businesses)

Inspirators, the consultancy platform that offers inspiring stories from global sustainability and regeneration leaders, was launched in September 2023

Inspirators is the most diverse and surprising mix of regenerative leaders who display…

CIO Talks - How Artificial Intelligence Will Transform Businesses?

Webcast, 7 Martie 2023, intre orele 14:00-16:30

bpv GRIGORESCU STEFANICA assisted Smart ID and its shareholders in connection with the investment by private equity firm Sarmis Capital

The investment is expected to fuel the growth of Smart ID, both domestically and…

IWG secures first franchise partner in Romania to open new locations to meet the growing demand for hybrid work solutions

IWG, the largest global operator of flexible and co-working spaces, represented in Romania…

Orange Romania advances its convergence ambitions as it completes its acquisition of a 54% controlling stake in fixed operator Telekom Romania Communications

Orange announces yesterday that it has completed its acquisition of a controlling stake…

The World Beyond the Pandemic

This session will explore how societies, economies and industries will function in a post-pandemic…

COVID-19 Shifts Global Consumer Behavior in 2020 and Beyond

A free webinar explores the impact of COVID-19 on the top 10 global consumer…

Fii campion pentru campioni si inscrie-te la cea de-a 11-a editie DHL Carpathian Marathon powered by MPG!

Banii stransi din taxele de participare ii ajuta pe sportivii paralimpici sa se pregateasca…

Roedl & Partner Romania appoints new Head of Tax & Transfer Pricing

Andreea Stănică has been appointed as the new Head of Tax & Transfer Pricing…

CEO CONFERENCE - SHAPING THE FUTURE, Cluj Napoca, 22 noiembrie

Se schimba prioritatile CEOs la nivel international. Scade interesul pentru crestere rapida,…

EBRD Advice for Small Businesses: informarea si calitatea produselor determina performanta IMM-urilor la export

In Romania, noua din zece intreprinderi sunt IMM-uri, si tot IMM-urile genereaza doua…

Instant Factoring, prima platforma fintech de factoring din Romania, se lanseaza astazi

Serviciile Instant Factoring, prima companie fintech romaneasca de factoring, sunt disponibile…