

101 rezultate (tag: health)

Retail-ul in timpul pandemiei: cum se pot transforma vulnerabilitatile in oportunitati

Opinie de Oana Buhaescu, Director Audit, Deloitte Romania, liderul serviciilor dedicate…

Extinderea Retelei Nationale de Telemedicina de catre Grupul OTE si Intracom Telecom

Servicii de sanatate cu aceleasi standarde precum cele ale centrelor urbane pentru 22…

Health and Beauty in the Coronavirus Era

By Irina Barbalova, Global Lead Health and Beauty and Matthew Oster, Global Head Consumer…

Euromonitor Identifies 6 Themes Transforming Consumer Goods and Services as a Result of COVID-19

Euromonitor’s new report explores cross-industry themes to help companies strategize for…

The Rise of “Purpose-Driven” Businesses During COVID-19

Many businesses have managed to pull through by putting people ahead of profits