

189 rezultate (tag: Property)

Evolutia pietei romanesti de fuziuni si achizitii in 2023

Piata romaneasca de fuziuni si achizitii (M&A) a inregistrat 241 de tranzactii in 2023,…

Top Global Consumer Trends 2024

Start your year off strong with these insights, so you really understand spending priorities…

Top Global Consumer Trends 2024

Drive growth plans with insights on top consumer demands in the year ahead from…

Analiza MASTERBUILD: Aproape 40% din totalul deseurilor generate in fiecare an in tara noastra provin din constructii

Romania produce peste 3 milioane de tone de deseuri de constructii anual

Studiul Deloitte: locuintele din Romania continua sa fie printre cele mai accesibile din Europa. Cluj-Napoca este orasul cel mai scump atat pentru cumparatori, cat si pentru chiriasi

Un roman are nevoie de 6,3 salarii anuale medii brute pentru a cumpara o…

Modificarile fiscale vehiculate in spațiul public ce vizeaza dezvoltarea imobiliara și construcțiile, pot genera pierderi de 7 miliarde RON din veniturile generate anual la bugetul de stat

Pe langa impactul bugetar negativ pe care l-ar atrage aceste modificari, AREI semnaleaza…

8 Types of Consumers for Targeted Marketing

Use these insights to refine your marketing, product development and retail strategies

Demographics provide a starting point for your consumer segmentation, but you shouldn’t stop there.

Learn how to solve business challenges with actionable insights from Euromonitor

Transform Your Innovation Strategy with Megatrends

You might be familiar with industry trends. But what about megatrends?

Transform Your Innovation Strategy with Megatrends

You might be familiar with industry trends. But what about megatrends?

Global Economic Forecasts: Q1 2023

Economic uncertainty is expected to continue throughout 2023, with global inflation levels…

2023 Digital Shopper Trends

Receive Our Top 5 Digital Shopping Predictions