

55 rezultate (tag: Lockdown)

Coronavirus Outbreak to Accelerate Household Wellness Trends

This article is part of a series on COVID-19 focusing on how the outbreak…

Pasi de reluare a vanzarilor B2B intr-o lume afectata de COVID-19

In cele doua luni de stare de urgenta, scaderea sau chiar lipsa cererii din…

Euromonitor’s Lessons From the 2008 Global Financial Crisis

The shock to the global economy as the coronavirus health crisis morphs into a…

Coronavirus Global Economic Outlook: April 2020

Advanced economies are expected to be the hardest hit in this recession

Inventarul si cuantificarea pierderilor asociate crizei COVID-19. Ce trebuie avut in vedere in pregatirea cererilor de despagubiri si daune

Ana Sebov, Forensic Leader, PwC Romania si Sirshar Qureshi, Partener Forensic PwC Europa…

Coronavirus: Western Europe Price and Availability Insights, 29 March-19 April 2020

This article is part of a series on COVID-19 focusing on how the outbreak…

Introducing Euromonitor’s Coronavirus Economic Scenarios

This article is focusing on how the outbreak is affecting industries