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5 results (author: GOLIN HARRIS PUBLIC RELATIONS SA)  -View company profile

Golin & iSense Solutions analyzes the influence of social media on purchasing decisions

For 9 out of 10 Romanians, a good review in social media means over…

Golin find out what really matters to Romanians

The results of the Bold study by Lowe Group and iSense Solutions about the…

Following a national market survey, Transavia announces trends in chicken meat consumption in Romania

Transavia, the largest chicken producer in Romania and one of the most reputed family…

Mastercard Study - Comfort, the biggest advantage of digital banking solutions

6 out of 10 Europeans believe that the digitization of the banking industry makes…

Golin DC analysis: The presidential elections in the USA The pulse of the elections, as portrayed in the social media

The pulse of the elections, as portrayed in the social media


1 result (author: GOLIN HARRIS PUBLIC RELATIONS SA)  -View company profile

Golin & iSense Solutions analyzes how the shopping list and the wallet of Romanians look

To find out how money is related to current generation in Romania and how…

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