

168 results (tag: Digital transformation)

Business (r)Evolution Conference in Brasov, Digitization - Trend or Tsunami? How does digitization transform Romania's economy in 2018

More than 1,000 entrepreneurs and managers have joined the National Business Conference…

Violeta Luca is the new General Manager of Microsoft Romania

Microsoft announces the appointment of Violeta Luca as General Manager for operations…

Business (r)Evolution Conference in Brasov, Digitization - Trend or Tsunami? How does digitization transform Romania's economy

Entrepreneurs and managers from the local and multinational companies in Brasov and the…


Microsoft Romania, together with its partners, organizes Microsoft Tech Day, the 18th…

Intracom Telecom: A new subsidiary in Spain

Intracom Telecom, a global provider of telecommunications systems and solutions based…

Telekom and IMWorld announce the 7th year of partnership to accelerate the digitization process of Romania

For the seventh consecutive year, Telekom Romania will be the main Internet & Mobile…

Digitization of professional services companies

Unlike the industry where the product is tangible, the professional services cannot be…

Vodafone Romania appoints Fragiski Melissa as HR Director,  effective September 3rd , 2018

Fragiski Melissa, Human Resources Director for Vodafone Greece has been appointed as Vodafone…

Are we ready for the Digital Revolution?

By 2025, the Fourth Industrial Revolution will bring amazing developments into Artificial…

The National Business Conference (r) Evolution 2018 debuted in Oradea in the presence of over 150 entrepreneurs

"Digitalization - Trend or Tsunami?". This was the question that mobilized more than 150…

Deloitte Partners in the First Singularity University Summit in the CEE

Deloitte is pleased to announce that it will be a partner in the first…

Microsoft and SAP have announced they are joining their efforts to provide enterprise-class customers with a trustworthy solution for digital innovation.

Expanded partnership offers customers joint cloud capabilities and a trusted map.