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Business (r)Evolution Conference in Brasov, Digitization - Trend or Tsunami? How does digitization transform Romania's economy

Business (r)Evolution Conference in Brasov, Digitization - Trend or Tsunami? How does digitization transform Romania's economy

Entrepreneurs and managers from the local and multinational companies in Brasov and the neighboring counties are expected to attend the National Conference Business (r)Evolution - Digitalization, Trend or Tsunami? " organized by on Wednesday, 31 October 2018 at Kronwell Hotel, at 9:00 am.

The conference, which is attended by more than 150 representatives of the local business environment, offers a unique opportunity for participants to understand the ways in which companies from different industries relate to the phenomenon of digitization, the trends that bring opportunities for them and, at the same time, , what are the risks facing those that are not keeping up with digitization.

"Digitization brings demands, but also new business growth options. One of these is related to social selling. The specificity of sales in the digital age makes 57% of the process run by the customer in the online environment without contacting any potential vendor. On the other hand, each sale now includes, on average, 5-6 deciders from the customer company. That's why at the national Business (r) Evolution conference in Brasov we offer managers an exceptional opportunity to discover valuable digital tools to increase their income through social selling. Given that almost everything is changed by digitization - from production and consumption to financial intermediation - only those who will choose the right digital tools to make their activity more efficient will benefit from growth now and in the future " said Dumitru ION, CEO

The conference, moderated by journalist Radu Soviani, is structured in two sessions: the first dedicated to the advanced digital economy and digitization opportunities, and the second, a special, interactive session dedicated to leaders who want to achieve maximum management performance.

The first part of the conference will be opened by Daniela Marin, an expert of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, will talk about the over 700 Romanian companies that have been supported so far under the EBRD SME Consultancy Program to access consultancy services and to transform their businesses.

Raluca Vintila, Corporate Manager, at Groupama Asigurari will talk about the solutions that it offers to companies to help them manage the risks on their way to development.

Tudor Galos, Tudor Galos Consulting, will then offer a new perspective on digital marketing strategies in the context of GDPR, and Ozana Giusca, Tooliers, present ways to accelerate sales that do not require additional costs. The participants will also know the applications that make the transition from big data to smart data and will see how big companies have approached digital transformation.

Alexandra Cernian, trainer and senior consultant at Valoria, a training, marketing consulting and executive coaching company, will present the results of the Digitization Barometer study in Romanian companies that analyze the replies of CEOs.

For the first time at the national conference Business (r) Evolution, the event includes a second interactive session, a presentation of maximum interactivity, supported by international speaker Allan Kleynhans, a coach and trainer that helps business leaders to identify their key relationship skills communication as well as finding how to maximize these abilities in order to lead departments and teams to high performances.

You can find out more here: 

The main partner of the event is Telekom Romania. The conference partners are Groupama Asigurari, EBRD, Edenred, Valoria, Kompass Romania, Allan Kleynhans International and Tooliers. The event is supported by Qubiq Digital Solutions and the Association of Hungarian Economists, and media partners are Agerpres, Transilvania Business,, Business Journal, Careers, Business24, CFnet- Financial News Magazine, Financial Market,, Events Calendar, InvestClub,, StarFM, Buna Ziua Fagaras.

The attending at the national conference Business (r) Evolution, which offers a great networking opportunity, is free of charge for the first 2 representatives of each participating company at the event.

The program of the event and the participation conditions are available here:

After the event in Brasov, the national conference Business (r) Evolution will be followed on 22 November 2018 by the second conference this year organized by in Cluj-Napoca: CEO Conference - Shaping the Future.


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