

5 rezultate (tag: age)

Costin Avram - Crystal System - Interview @ CEO Conference - Winning the UNCERTAIN

The economic outlook has never been more uncertain. Energy prices, inflation, supply chains…

Daniel Ortiz - Enel X Romania - Interview @ CEO Conference - Winning the UNCERTAIN

The economic outlook has never been more uncertain. Energy prices, inflation, supply chains…

Lucian Enaru - Schneider Electric - Interview @ CEO Conference - Winning the UNCERTAIN

The economic outlook has never been more uncertain. Energy prices, inflation, supply chains…

Marius Persinaru @ LEADERS INSIGHTS Interviews

Care va fi curba de redresare si ce lucruri trebuie avute in vedere de…

Violeta Luca - Microsoft Romania @ LEADERS INSIGHTS Interviews

''Transformarea digitala este mai mult decat o ocazie pentru companii de a se reinventa…