

9 rezultate (tag: study)

Navigating uncertainty while focusing on human- centric leadership

Interview with Mrs. ANA BER, Managing Partner Pendl&Piswanger Romania, a member of InterSearch…

STRAUSS Romania the emotional economics of coffee

Interview with Mr. MARIUS MELESTEU, General Manager, STRAUSS Romania

DENT ESTET The future of dentistry is withi digital transformation

Interview with Mrs. OANA TABAN, CEO & Founder DENT ESTET

Enabling digitalization in public sector will bridge the gap between idea and reality

Interview with Mr. Bogdan Putinică – Microsoft Romania

The combination of sustainability and digital technologies is key to igniting future competitiveness

Interview with Mr. Gianrodolfo Tonielli, Country Managing Director, Accenture Romania

Meaningful innovation can unlock the potential of a digital economy

Interview with Daniel Rusen, Director of Marketing and Operations, Microsoft Romania

Transformarea digitala poate ajuta organizatiile nu numai sa supravietuiasca, ci si sa se dezvolte si sa prospere

Interviu cu dl Petronius Secareanu, Director General, Canon Romania & Bulgaria

Allianz-Tiriac protect the customers to stay in charge

Interview with Virgil Soncutean, CEO - Allianz-Tiriac Insurance