

10 rezultate (tag: funds)

Noventiq global expertise, local outcomes

Interview with Mr. MARIUS FILIPAS, Country Manager, Noventiq

Enabling digitalization in public sector will bridge the gap between idea and reality

Interview with Mr. Bogdan Putinică – Microsoft Romania

CE Oltenia’s transformation, with a balanced, low carbon and profitable portfolio of generation capacities, is of strategic importance for Romania

Interview with Mrs. LACRAMIOARA DIACONU-PINTEA, Member of the Board of Directors, CE Oltenia

Meaningful innovation can unlock the potential of a digital economy

Interview with Daniel Rusen, Director of Marketing and Operations, Microsoft Romania

Light becomes a new intelligent language

Interview with Razvan Copoiu, CEO, Signify SEE

Intentions are no longer enough, companies have to prove a positive impact within the communities

Interview with Ufuk Tandogan, CEO, Garanti BBVA Romania

A partner for the long run

Interview with UFUK TANDOGAN, CEO, Garanti Bank Romania

Allianz-Tiriac protect the customers to stay in charge

Interview with Virgil Soncutean, CEO - Allianz-Tiriac Insurance

Potential de crestere pentru fondurile mutuale pe piata locala

Este nevoie de a intelege in mod corect importanta pietei de capital in contextul…

Recalibrarea motoarelor de crestere. Rolul fondurilor UE in construirea infrastructurii

Mentalitatea este prima care trebuie schimbata in abordarea oportunitatilor de afaceri,…