

7 rezultate (tag: Competitiveness)

Supply chain leadership in a VUCA  world

Interview with Mr. GABRIEL IVAN, Country General Manager, CHEP ROMANIA & BULGARIA

Improving people’s lives by improving their living spaces in a totally sustainable way

Interview with Mr. MARIUS IONITA, CEO, Alumil Romania

Enabling digitalization in public sector will bridge the gap between idea and reality

Interview with Mr. Bogdan Putinică – Microsoft Romania

The combination of sustainability and digital technologies is key to igniting future competitiveness

Interview with Mr. Gianrodolfo Tonielli, Country Managing Director, Accenture Romania

Strategic solutions Romanian entrepreneurs can adopt on economic level during the pandemic

Interview with Theodor Stefanovici, Commercial Director, AKCENTA Romania

Adaptarea la un nou nivel de competitivitate

Schimbarile legislative majore trebuie sa fie sustinute de studii de impact, cu o strategie…

Romania si nevoia sa de a reinventa notiunea de competitivitate

Conform celui mai recent studiu - Global Competitiveness Report 2011 - 2012 - lansat…