

26 rezultate (tag: employees)

Digital talent journey Romania-Germany

Crystal System has transformed more than 10.000 students into digital talents since 2004…

Freight forwarding is a very challenging and competitive industry

Ib Cargo worked in the last year with more than 3000 organizations in Romania…

Voice of the Industry:  Coronavirus Impact on Companies, Employees and Consumers

Insights from global industry professionals, by Lisa Holmes, Global Head of Surveys

The Rise of “Purpose-Driven” Businesses During COVID-19

Many businesses have managed to pull through by putting people ahead of profits

COVID-19 Effect on Multifunctional Homes

Multifunctional Homes were already on the rise

Leveraging Technology is Helping Non-Grocery Retailers to Cope with Coronavirus

Governments around the world increasingly require non-essential stores to close as part…

Kaeser Kompressoren and combatting Coronavirus: Moving forward together mindfully

Thanks to modern data transmission technology, this can be reasonably implemented and…

Introducing Euromonitor’s Coronavirus Economic Scenarios

This article is focusing on how the outbreak is affecting industries

The lure of consumption-based growth strikes back

Top executives say that lowering the taxation of work is the immediate main measure…

The New Performance Management is Here – Have you Tried it Yet?

As organizations and their workforces become more agile, strategies more dynamic and deliverables…

Continuous Learning for Skills Development, the Most Important and Urgent Human Capital Trend in Romania

Enhancing employee expertise through lifelong learning is the main concern of the Romanian…