

42 rezultate (tag: Gain)

Allianz reports 2.3 billion euros operating profit in 1Q 2020

The COVID-19 aggravated business conditions for the financial services industry. However,…

Euromonitor’s Lessons From the 2008 Global Financial Crisis

The shock to the global economy as the coronavirus health crisis morphs into a…

The cessation of negotiations in the context of COVID-19 pandemic

The parties have the freedom to interrupt the negotiations and cannot be held responsible…

COVID-19 Effect on Multifunctional Homes

Multifunctional Homes were already on the rise

Which Countries and Cities Are Most Vulnerable to Coronavirus?

The COVID-19 pandemic also poses a great threat to ageing cities in Europe -…

The lure of consumption-based growth strikes back

Top executives say that lowering the taxation of work is the immediate main measure…

The New Performance Management is Here – Have you Tried it Yet?

As organizations and their workforces become more agile, strategies more dynamic and deliverables…

Continuous Learning for Skills Development, the Most Important and Urgent Human Capital Trend in Romania

Enhancing employee expertise through lifelong learning is the main concern of the Romanian…

Romania in the Regional Context

Softening growth and elevated uncertainty are clouding global economic prospects - World…

Buletin fiscal nr.1/2018 – Decizia CEJ privind stabilirea valorii in vama si preturile de transfer in cadrul UE

Decizia Curtii Europene de Justitie („CEJ”) privind Cazul Hamamatsu (C-529/16) din data…

Noul Contact Center – un studiu Plantronics releva impactul calitatii echipamentelor audio asupra costurilor operationale

Un studiu dat publicitatii de Plantronics, lider mondial in comunicarea audio, releva…

EY Fraud Survey: 31% dintre companiile romanesti considera ca mediul de afaceri este afectat de coruptie

77% din membrii consiliilor de administratie spun ca si-ar putea justifica un comportament…