

54 results (tag: sas)

Intracom Telecom’s uni|MS™ R9 unfolds the Network Lifecycle Management concept

The uni|MS™ platform has been successfully deployed in more than fifty (50) customers,…

Six entrepreneurs from Cluj have launched ENSO, the platform that aims to be an Amazon of B2B services in Europe

Six entrepreneurs from Cluj-Napoca with solid experience in business built the ENSO platform,…

Huawei announces six new devices that complete the product ecosystem

The new launch event reveals products for all scenarios, which make life easier and…

The Competition Council has authorized the acquisition of the activity of Caussade Semences Group by Euralis Semences Holding SAS

The Competition Council has authorized the transaction through which Euralis Semences…


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WEBINAR- Rethink Strategy – Continuity, Challenges and Opportunities

DoingBusiness.ro in parteneriat cu Microsoft organizeaza joi 26.03.2020 webinarul BUSINESS…

Globalworth Foundation has made 700 happy children in the sixth edition of the Globalworth Christmas Charity Days

The Globalworth Foundation has received, within the six editions of the Globalworth Christmas…

GTS Telecom launches data protection solutions - Disaster Recovery

Through Disaster Recovery, GTS Telecom strengthens its range of security services

SAS announces investments of one billion dollars in developing Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions

The company wants to develop advanced AI technologies and solutions, and an accelerator…

SAS Analytical Solutions: Companies using Artificial Intelligence make important savings, manage to offer customers the best service in real time and innovate more quickly

Most managers in large companies say they want to use advanced data analysis tools…

IDC: ARCSERVE stands out from the competition approaches with the new All-  in-One platform

Arcserve's equipment integrates on-and off-site applications for disaster recovery, backup…

Carrefour's multinational company has chosen Artificial Intelligence (IA) solutions offered by SAS to optimize its distribution network management and reduce food waste

Carrefour uses SAS Viya Solution to become the first French retailer to use Artificial…