

265 results (tag: infrastructure)

Business (r)Evolution Conference in Brasov, Digitization - Trend or Tsunami? How does digitization transform Romania's economy in 2018

More than 1,000 entrepreneurs and managers have joined the National Business Conference…

Microsoft Business Summit 2018 defines expectations for a digitized future

The sixth edition of the Microsoft Business Summit has today gathered on the stage…

Intrarom announces the implementation of the first Smart City pilot

The pilot project was implemented within the Alba Iulia Smart City 2018 project, part…

Intracom Telecom launches R7 version of Lifecycle Management platform at FutureCom

Intracom Telecom, a global provider of telecommunication systems and solutions, activating…


Microsoft Romania, together with its partners, organizes Microsoft Tech Day, the 18th…

Romania, 5th in Europe in the adoption of contactless technology: 2 out of 3 transactions are now contactless

The adoption of the contactless technology demonstrates the enthusiasm of Romanian consumers…

CTP appointed Richard Wilkinson as the Group’s new Chief Financial Officer

CTP, the leading premium industrial parks developer and long-term manager in Romania and…

Intracom Telecom: Superior performance of the E-band wideband (UltraLink ™ -GX80)

Intracom Telecom, a global provider of telecommunications systems and solutions, today…

Axis launches a new device for greater installation flexibility

PoE (Power over Ethernet) technology offers integrated systems the advantage of reducing…

Electric Cars: EIB supports Enel's plan for 14,000 new charging stations

Enel X Mobility, a subsidiary of Enel, has received a EUR 115 million loan…

PayU acquires ZOOZ, Israel's payment technology provider, with a common vision to create a new global infrastructure payment standard

PayU announces the acquisition of the ZOOZ payment technology platform.

Proleasing Motors, after the first 6 months of the year: overcoming the Ford sales target and a new distinction Best BMW Dealer in Customer Care in Romania

2,5 million RON invested in the first 6 months of the year in the…