

68 results (tag: Availability)

Secom organizes an educational conference on burnout, syndrome of professional exhaustion

According to a recent study, 8% of Romanians are affected by burnout *

Microsoft extends the availability of Surface Pro 6 for Business and Surface Laptop 2 for Business for companies

Surface Pro 6 for Business and Surface Laptop 2 for Business available in Romania…

Secom® recorded a turnover of 100 million RON in 2018, up 10% from the previous year

Secom®, the Romanian company with 15 years of experience in the import, promotion and…

IDC: ARCSERVE stands out from the competition approaches with the new All-  in-One platform

Arcserve's equipment integrates on-and off-site applications for disaster recovery, backup…

Online Shopping Championship

Who buys more, women or men? If a traditional shopping championship is held, the…

Carrefour's multinational company has chosen Artificial Intelligence (IA) solutions offered by SAS to optimize its distribution network management and reduce food waste

Carrefour uses SAS Viya Solution to become the first French retailer to use Artificial…

HTC Vive improves premium VR portfolio with new hardware, unlimited software subscription and content   partnerships

VIVE Pro Eye sets a new standard for VR headphones range, VIVEPORT Infinity allows…

Megatranzactions and initial public offers for unicorn companies dominated the global transaction   market in 2018, and the trend will continue in 2019

IPO transactions in 2018 are on a stable course despite volatility and uncertainties

EIT events changed the lives of more than 200 innovative teams in 2018

200,000 euros were offered and prizes continue in 2019

5 major trends in Facility Management

The Facility Manager profession continues to evolve in many directions. The technological…

Intracom Telecom launches R7 version of Lifecycle Management platform at FutureCom

Intracom Telecom, a global provider of telecommunication systems and solutions, activating…