

149 results (tag: payments)

Deloitte Report: Mobile Consumers Check Their Phones Over 80 Billion Times a Day Worldwide

Intensity in usage and ownership rates of mobile phones are increasing, in some categories…

The Romanians change the wallet with the smartphone: the value of the payments with mobilPay Wallet has doubled in the first quarter

According to the data provided by the NETOPIA mobilPay, of all Romanians who have…

The number of Romanians who daily make card payments grew by 45% between March and December 2015

According to a MasterCard study, which analyze the behavior of card usage in Romania,…

NETOPIA mobilPay: Digital payments have increased by 25% in 2015

NETOPIA mobilPay, the Romanian digital payments leader, brokered in 2015 more than 2.6…

Legal alert No. 3 February 2016

The Order no. 90/14 January 2016 for approving the content of the rescheduling request…

Contactless transaction value has increased 50 times in the fiscal year 2015

Contactless is the future of electronic payments in Romania, this type of transactions…

Main amendments brought by the methodological norms for the application of the new Tax Code

Government Decision no. 1/2016 for the approval of the methodological norms for the application…

Further growth and variety in the area of employee benefits

Growth has resumed, slowly but steadily, as business owners and managers focus once more…

Financing Sources for SMEs

There are several ways of raising finance for a business, depending on its nature.…

Romanians mobility: One third of online payments are made on smartphone, mostly on Android

At the moment, almost 30% of all online payments made by Romanian consumers are…

Consumer optimism not enough for stable growth

The Romanian economy started the year on a strong footing with a 4.3% yoy…

WIIW Forecast: A time of moderate expectations

Contrary to expectations, near-stagnation has continued in the euro area. Certain forecasts…