

207 results (tag: employers)

23% of managers say that the process of performance management in their company is extremely inefficient

The survey gauges the perceptions of the executive directors, managers and employees regarding…

Training programs, more appreciated than benefits packages

In an increasingly connected world, with very large volumes of information and provisional…

Millennials and Generation Z, insecure and pessimistic about the evolution of society, their career and future

Millennials and Generation Z face insecurities and pessimism regarding the evolution of…

ManpowerGroup Study on Employment Outlook Perspectives in the Ist quarter 2020

After a slight weakening in the last quarter of the year, it is expected…

ManpowerGroup study on the Perspective of Employment in Romania but also on a global level

The Perspective of Employment in Romania. The Perspective of Employment globally. About…

What are the most important changes brought to the Romanian labor market by the Directive on work-life balance?

The Romanian employers will be obliged to consider any requests for granting flexible…

BenefitOnline: Romanian employees bought in the first half of 2019 benefits of over 110 million lei, as much as throughout 2018

The Romanian market for extra-wage benefits follows a year-by-year upward trend

Supplementary working hours treatment - a sensitive topic, with multiple implications

From the point of view of the legal provisions, strictly observing the rights provided…

Romanians have 414 vacant jobs  available in the European Economic Area

Employers in the European Economic Area offer, through the EURES Romania network, 414…

Continuous Learning for Skills Development, the Most Important and Urgent Human Capital Trend in Romania

Enhancing employee expertise through lifelong learning is the main concern of the Romanian…

Romania in the Regional Context

Softening growth and elevated uncertainty are clouding global economic prospects - World…

New Challenges for Transboundary Transactions and Mandatory Disclosure Regime (MDR)

Andra Casu, Associate Partner, Department of Fiscal and Legal Aid EY Romania and Alexandra…