

116 results (tag: digitization)

The VAT collection deficit in Romania - where do we go in the digital age?

In order to improve the VAT revenue collection process, Romanian tax authorities must…

Deloitte Study: Accelerating digital transformations in the banking sector

Results of the global survey on digital consumers

Business Conference (r) Evolution in Iasi

Digitalization - Trend or Tsunami? How does digitization transform Romania's economy

Valoria survey: Managers adjust the prospect of business growth for 2018

According to the survey on "The business outlook in Romania for 2018" released today…

The business value of cognitive. Leaders in cognitive and AI weigh in on what’s working and what’s next

With all the talk about cognitive and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in business…

Valoria survey: ”The engines” of CSR slow down

70% of respondents in the 2018 edition, compared with 72% in 2017, helped the…

Business (r)Evolution Conference in Bucharest, Digitization - Trend or Tsunami? How does digitization transform Romania's economy

Leading executives from local and multinational companies and major entrepreneurs from…

Deloitte Global CIO 2018 Survey: Looking beyond the digital age

Approximately 10% of the interviewed organizations are positioned as part of the digital…

Deloitte CIO Survey: The interest in emerging technologies is growing in Romania

The demand for cyber security specialists and data analysts is growing, according to this…

How companies lose money because of a poor performance management system

Performance management has reached a turning point between what this topic meant 60 years…

International expansion accelerates the growth of European medium-sized companies and generates optimism for the next 12 months

86% of European medium-sized companies expect revenue growth of over 6% over the next…

Digitalize your business and increase the turnover

With only 42% of companies having a website, with 33% of employees using the…