Author: Mihaela Mitroi, Partner, Fiscal and Legal Assistance, EY Romania, leader of the fiscal…
Modification of the Fiscal Code - about the way in which the definition of…
82% of the board of directors fail to integrate cyber security into the business…
Technology, industry and health were the most active sectors in Q3 2018.
Businesses are reshaping for a better tomorrow through portfolio transformation. By EY Romania
In the last two weeks, trading companies that fall into the category of large…
The global brand campaign EY won the Business-to-Business Marketing Excellence Award at the Global…
Adrian Teampau has joined EY as Associate Partner and is part of the team…
Only a few days remain until the deadline for submitting the Single Taxation Statement…
Rubens Menin, president of the Brazilian company MRV Engenharia e Participações S.A., was named…