
New times, new technologies and new habits

If a few years ago, terms like Cloud storage, Google glasses or electronic wallet were incomprehensible to most of us, their more common use lately in all media raises the question: " Have these new technologies become better known to the general public or remain only "the experts’ land"?”

To find the answer, GfK Romania has conducted an online survey.

Conclusions show that 4 out of 10 Romanians with Internet access say they have heard of "cloud storage". 12% use these services, while more than a half, although they do not use them yet, would like to do this. There are also people (approximately one third) which are less open to do so. They say they do not use and would not like to use them in the future. More than 6 in 10 of those surveyed believe cloud is a useful way of data storage.


The term "augmented reality” is known for 30% of respondents, and the "Google glasses” for 34%. Over three-quarters say they would like to use them, and two-thirds say they consider useful.


60% are aware about the opportunity to pay in-store their shopping on smartphone and 37% found out about Google Wallet. 60% of respondents are even willing to use them in the future.


Regarding Smart TVs, they are well-known to most internet users (9 of 10). The interest in this TV model is huge, 83% of respondents saying they would like to own such a device. These intentions actually confirm sales data monitored by GfK TEMAX study that shows the number of smart TVs purchased by Romanians increased in 2012 three times compared to 2011. Nearly 12 percent of Internet users say they already have a smart TV, and 88% considered useful.


The survey was conducted online on a sample of 524 Internet users located in urban areas, aged between 15 and 54 years.

