Following an auction organized by the Warsaw Metropolitan Police, which ended on January 28, 2019, Xentia, in collaboration with Intracom Telecom, won the project to replace the analogue DMR system in the Warsaw suburbs.
Through new OmniBAS ™ links, Intracom Telecom will implement connectivity services for backhauling suburban data traffic along with existing traffic. More specifically, the already-implemented OmniBAS ™ network, which has been in operation since 2015, will be further extended as a safety solution for the DMR Tier II Simulcast system.
In addition, due to the increased capacity of the solution, it will also be used for other services such as video surveillance (CCTV surveillance), PSTD and OST-112, a project dedicated to the emergency call and data transmission between police and firefighters.
Moreover, the advanced network management system, unified MS ™, which has already been implemented, will be updated to the latest version to support the entire radio network.
Intracom Telecom's radio (microwave) family of products offers a multi-gigabit radio capacity that uses market-leading modulations up to 4096 QAM and up to 112 MHz channels, while allowing for an evolved and smooth migration to an IP / MPLS.
KSP Warsaw, capitalizing on the exceptional features and superior performance of OmniBAS™, will enhance communication and data transfer between police and firefighters nationwide.