Interview with Mr. Marius Ionita, CEO, Alumil Romania
Interview with Mr. Victor Vasluian, General Manager, TERRA Romania Utilaje de Constructii…
Interview with Dragos Teodorescu, Country Manager, SoftwareOne Romania
Interview with Mrs. ANA BER, Managing Partner Pendl&Piswanger Romania, a member of InterSearch…
Interview with Mr. RAZVAN DOBRESCU, Country Lead & Channel Sales Manager, Fujitsu Romania
Interview with Mr. MARIUS FILIPAS, Country Manager, Noventiq
Interview with Mr. Bogdan Putinică – Microsoft Romania
Interview with Daniel Rusen, Director of Marketing and Operations, Microsoft Romania
Interview with Mrs Ana Ber, Consultant and Managing Director, Pendl & Piswanger Romania
Interview with Mrs. Ramona Iacob, Country Manager, REGUS
Interview with Mr. Liviu Banulescu, Managing Director, GRENKE ROMANIA
Interview with Razvan Copoiu, CEO, Signify SEE