

3 results (author: CORYGABRIEL COM SRL)  -View company profile

Romanians invest almost as much as foreign investors in the local software market: 53% foreign investments versus 47% local investments

The software industry in Romania remains at the top of the key industries for…

Keysfin analysis: Romanian agriculture will increase by half a billion euros in 2019

Romania occupies a leading position in the hierarchy of the European ranking in agricultural…

KeysFin Analysis: American success coded in Romania. IT, among the most profitable investment sectors for US companies present   in Romania

The IT industry ranks 1st in the top of the most profitable investment for…


1 result (author: CORYGABRIEL COM SRL)  -View company profile

Romanians say DANKE when shopping: the top of German-owned companies in Romania, made up mainly of retailers

Germany remains a strategic trading partner for Romania, but the top of German companies…